Happy 22nd to BTD’s best!!

we hope you have the bestest day! you deserve it more than anyone <3

click and get a message from your favorite people!!

happy birthday to my habiganji broke but top school intelligent hobi biased enby twinnem SUSMITA!!!!! oh where do i start. you have the most special place in my heart. because i feel forever indebted to you just to thank you for your constant kindness. you are so caring so so so caring, my big sib fr. and you should be proud of how big your heart is. because i will always be proud of you and the progress you made, and the progress you'll make until your next birthday. and i'll be right here! supporting you!!' make sure to take a break today and take care of yourself, you deserve some rest. love you the mostest

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUS!!! 🥳You’re finally 22!! I sincerely hope that you have the greatest birthday because you deserve it! You’re an amazing best friend as well as child for your family. You help people when they need help even when you have stuff to do and I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as you. At times you even feel more like a parental figure to me than my own parents because you’re honest with your talking yet so comforting. I pray that you have all good blessings coming your way from today and for the rest of your life continuing forward, and that you live longer so that we meet more than 27 times (or whatever number you keep saying we’ll meet for). I’m glad to have met you and then rest of BTD and im glad we can play genshin together and bond over BTS, thank you for being mine and also the rest if BTD’s friends, but most importantly thank you for being you ❤️I LOVE YOUU

P.S. I have artwork ready for you but because school whooped my ass, picked me back up again only to whoop it farther, it could be a LITTLE late I’m sorry

Hi Susmita.

Holy motherfawkin shit you’re what? 22?? SHIIIIIIIIII. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTIE. I have never been so grateful for an older sibling like you. you have helped me in so many ways, directly and indirectly, and i cannot express how happy i am for having someone like you in my life. All i could say is thank you for being there for me. For us. You are the most supportive person and i have always felt motivated to do things bc i know a baddie in Detroit is out there praying for my success. Thank you for being that person in my life. Thank you for always hyping me up whenever you get the chance. Thank you for being the person i longed for in my life. I love you so much and i hope You, Me and BTD can spend the rest of our lives together, and inshaAllah it’s irl.

Your favorite BTD member,

hi sus!!

happy birthdayyy, how are u? im so grateful for the friendship we have. honestly im not surprised everyone thought u were the oldest bc you are one of the most caring and loving of us, and you always have our backs and ready to throw hands. when we first met i was always wondering “is this besty’s nose okay” bc of your infection 😭 now i always keep u in my thoughts bc of the stupid rock class i’ll destroy all the rocks on earth for u. im so glad we got to bond over being bengali bts genshin loving bestys & its made it so close and i rly love that. thank you so much for being so dear to me & i hope that you have an amazing day!! i love you so much, i wish only the best things for you 🥺🥺

love, dee
ps i cry everytime u say u pray for btd

Happy birthday sus <3 There’s so much I adore about you. The way you allow me to let loose and act like a younger sibling since I’ve always been the oldest is comforting. You’re so nurturing and like a second parental figure to me and I can’t thank you enough for how much you’ve helped me get through hard times. You’re always there to assure me that I’m making the right decisions and always support me no matter what. I feel like I’ve known you for a lifetime bc the connection I feel with you is so strong, you’ve educated me and helped me to accept myself in time I got vulnerable and insecure. You always listen to me rant about animangas that u literally have no idea about and it really makes me wonder what I did to deserve such a pure and kind hearted person like you in my life. Really, I have no idea what I’d do without you in my life. Thank you for accepting all my flaws and helping me become a better person. You’re actually god sent, the way your very being has brought so many blessings to me I can’t explain how much you mean to me so I hope you have a blessed day and always stay happy and healthy so we can live a long life together. Ami tomare bala fai 🤍

-sonia (ur fav btd member)


my bestest older sibling i love you so so much ☹️ you mean the absolute world to me and i don’t know what i would do without your kind words and funny jokes. thank you for being my biggest advocate and protector, i don’t think i could ever put into words how grateful i am for all that you do. hope you have an amazing day cause you deserve it sm!!

also also i will be TATTLING on the rest of the group just remind me i have evidence. cause they all ending w “your fave btd member” we ALL know who’s ur fave!!!

your REAL favorite btd member: naz <333